What is the efficiency of fiber in puppy food? Puppy food

Puppy food often contains a variety of nutrients. Last time I introduced you to the role of protein. , what we bring this time is another extremely important substance in puppy food, the function and performance of cellulose. Owners should also pay attention to distinguish it when choosing dog food!

Fiber can promote intestinal peristalsis and serve as a substrate for intestinal flora fermentation, helping to stabilize Intestinal flora. If the source of dietary fiber is suddenly changed, it will cause temporary stable damage and cause flatulence and diarrhea due to the inability to control fermentation. Fiber organizes food through digestion, speeding up or slowing down its transit time. Since intestinal circulation changes easily depending on the dog's stress level, the amount of fiber supplement in the food needs to be determined according to the purpose that the final food is intended to achieve. Although fiber helps with digestion, it also reduces the digestibility of food.

However, the digestibility of low food is beneficial to dogs with low circulation or obese dogs. By reducing the digestibility of food, food intake will not be reduced too much. Selecting specific types of fiber can optimize this efficiency while controlling defects.

As for the choice of puppy food, we recommend Baolu puppy food. Baolu specializes in meat, milk, The vegetable and grain formula is a stable and nutritious dog food. It selects natural high-quality raw materials and uses scientific formulas to carefully prepare it. It combines the vitamins, minerals and linoleic acid needed by the dog to provide sufficient energy for the healthy growth of the dog.The five major health vitality manifestations are the best explanation of Baolu's high-quality nutrition.

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