Introduction to species of red mushroom coral
Russulus coral

  1. Name: Red Mushroom
2. English name: Red Mushroom
3. Name: Actinodiscus sp. (Red)< br>4. Distribution:Indonesia
5. Feeding requirements:Water temperature: 21-28℃, specific gravity: 1.020-1.025, PH: 8.1-8.4
6. Water flow: medium
7. Light: medium
8. Difficulty of feeding: Easy
9. Feed: Plankton
10. Brief description: Red species can change between purple peach and bright red. Very easy to raise. In general, moderate lighting is required. If the light is strong, place them low. A meandering current that is weak to moderate is required. A current that is too strong will prevent it from being able to fully stretch. It is somewhat aggressive and needs to be adequately isolated from other stationary invertebrates. There are often several independent mushroom corals attached to the same rock. You can get most of your nutrients through coexisting algae. It would be better if you feed some nutritious particulate food, such as small plankton or shrimp, directly onto the coral polyps. This kind of mushroom coral is often attached to the live rock, and it needs to be left for a few days until it is suitable before it can be fully opened.

