Ocean cat characteristics Introduction
European and Western Cats

Ocean and Western cats are very lively, active, curious and playful. Even though it looks like a wild cat, it is very friendly, gentle and affectionate. It cannot tolerate isolation. European cats are sincere and affectionate towards their owners, just like Siamese cats. He likes children very much, but he is very domineering towards other cats.

Physical characteristics:

Head: Triangular, ten minutes long and ten wide, with an arc surface. The side lines are slightly concave. Adult male cats may develop a double chin. The muzzle is clear, broad, and slightly angular. There is a slight demarcation between the cheek and the nose. There is a slight break from the bridge of the nose to the eyebrows. The chin is strong.

Ears: Excessively large, agile, located at the two corners of the head. Lynx tip is better.

Eye: Large, almond-shaped, slightly slanted at the tip, wider than the width of one eye. Except for blue, all colors are acceptable. And it has nothing to do with the color of the coat. Shen Xinse has blue eyes. Beautiful dark colors are better.

Neck: reluctant.

Stature: Huge, quite long, semi-foreign, powerful, but not strong. Thick chest. Bone and muscle structure flourish.

Legs and Claws: Legs are excessively long, powerful, and well muscled. The claws are compact and oval in shape.

Tail: quite long, too thin, gradually tapering towards the tip of the tail, with a dark tip. There are options for delivery.

Coat: The hair is short, but each hair is colored with a circular pattern. The high-gloss areas of the coat are exquisite, smooth and satin-like to the touch. Freckles and alternating patterned coat. Except for the tip of the tail, the hair all over the body is colored with a circular pattern.

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