The teacup dog, originated in the United States, is a pet dog. Under 8 inches in size and less than 4 pounds in weight. Teacup dogs include the powerful teacup guest dog, the beautiful teacup dog, and the Chihuahua teacup dog.

The Tinyteacuppoodle is smaller in size, commonly known as "petite" or "pocket" dogs, measuring less than 7 inches and weighing less than 3 pounds. The beautiful teacup dog has a warning character, an intelligent expression, agile movements and curious talents. It is small and cute, making it suitable as a companion dog. The Chihuahua teacup dog is not only a cute small pet dog, but also has the hunting and defensive abilities of a great dog, and has a temperament similar to that of a terrier dog. They are petite in size and do not have high requirements for living space. Basically, a space similar to that of an ordinary house is enough for them to play.

Introduction to Teacup Dog Breeds
Teacup Dog

Chinese name: Teacup Dog

Latin name: Canislupusfamiliaris

< p>Also known as: Miniature Chihuahua

Two names: TeacupPoodles/TeacupPubby

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Subphylum: Vertebrates

Class: Mammalia

Subclass: Eutheria

Order: Carnivora

Suborder: Schizopoda

Family: Canidae

Subfamily: Caninae

Genus: Canis

Species : Gray Wolf

Subspecies: Domestic Dog

Commonly known as: Petite Guest Dog or Pocket Guest Dog

Attributes: Pet Dog

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