Shape characteristics of Peterson
Peter The Peterson's Rainforest Spider (certain introduction)

The Peterson's Rainforest Spider is native to the tropical rainforests of Sri Lanka and also belongs to the family Arantidae. Many people think that this spider is part of the Arantidae family. The most beautiful and reasonable variety among them.

The Peterson Gorgeous Rainforest has an adult body length of 17 to 18 centimeters and a foot span. It is one of the relatively newly discovered species in the genus Poecilotheria. They were only officially named in 2001. At first glance, this species is no different from the Indian gorgeous rainforest, which is the most common species in the genus. The Peterson Rainforest, Salem Rainforest, Sri Lanka Rainforest and Mysore Rainforest are actually several species that look very similar at first glance. In this case, it is necessary to carefully compare the patterns to distinguish them. The beautiful rainforest is full of big-haired spiders that move very fast, are highly aggressive, are relatively poisonous, and are covered with short hairs.

Generally speaking, the vast majority of foreigners who are interested in catching tarantulas are loyal fans of the beautiful rainforests, so whenever a new species is discovered, there will be a stir among the enthusiasts. climax. Currently, the Peterson Rainforest is one of the increasingly popular species of gorgeous rainforest.

